The Publisher Plus Platform

Publisher Plus is an enterprise digital publishing platform used by newspaper, magazine, radio and digital publishers from all around the globe... craft, deliver, promote, engage & monetise your content.

The platform consists of a number of different products and can be built to suit your needs, adding additional features with ease. It boasts a powerful and flexible CMS, delivering your content across every channel, whether it be web, mobile, print or voice, exactly as you want it. Deep social integration makes sharing even easier, while advanced tagging makes sure your content is seen in search results.

Publisher Plus Office

Craft Content

With our Newsroom CMS, we put your team back in control of your content. Our CMS allows you to easily create content with different editorial workflows, need legal to signoff on content before publishing? That's not a problem with our configurable workflows. With flexible user and media (image, audio and video) management, content tagging and categorisation, our Newsroom CMS fits the requirements for all publishers whether you're a print, radio, TV or digital publisher.

We have a custom Adobe Indesign® plugin that allows print publishers to vastly improve their print to digital editoral workflow. Articles can be imported directly from your Indesign layout into your CMS for digital publication.

For audio and video publishers, we have a solution that allows for easy publication of shows, scheuldes and podcasts. This allows your team to focus on content by cutting down on any duplication of work.

Publisher Plus Team

Audience Engagement

Audience engagement can be measured by a number of different metrics including: bounce rate, pages per visit, session duration, social shares, comments, subscriptions etc. Optimising these engagement-oriented metrics is the best way to maximize revenue for content based publishing websites.

The more engaged your audience, the more likely they will spend more time on your site which ultimately will deliver more revenue either via advertising or on site subscriptions.

Publisher Plus can help improve audience engagement by driving down bounce rates and increasing by pages per visit by delivering more relevent content to your reader. We have a Live Blog solution that pushs content to your reader as and when it happens.

Publisher Plus Team


Publisher Plus is fully integrated with Google DFP ad server, allowing you full control over site wide sponsorship integrations. We are the experts who know about all the common advertising problems todays publishers face - viewability, effective targeting, reporting etc.

Custom headering bidding, supply side platforms, programmaic and PMP deals, ad block recovery, brand safe ads.. we can help you maximise your yield and improve your ad serving strategy. We are here to demystify the ad tech landscape and partner closely with you to ensure we can increase your revenue in a sustainable way.

Monetising your content is no hassle at all with Paywall Plus, our customiable paywall solution. With a customised portal and a recuring revenue model, your customers can feel secure subscribing with deep Stripe payment integration.

Publisher Plus Team

Content Delivery

At the core of the Publisher Plus system is a resilient, fast and fully redundant low latency open JSON API service. This API service allows us to deliver your content out to the user across various channels such as web, mobile, voice etc.

The Publisher Plus web frontend is built using a bespoke web application framework. The web frontend interacts with a number of API services, including the Publisher Plus API, to deliver the content to the end user.

Our team can focus on creating a brand new responsive website, building upon the existing designs or creating something entirely new, depending on your current needs. Our design team conducts a number of workshops to design a custom website which fits the brand identity and requirements.

Our mobile team can create custom mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms. All content for the mobile apps is delivered via the Publisher Plus API.

Utilising the Publisher Plus API, content from a publishers system can be plugged into the popular voice platforms such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

Publisher Plus Team

Content Promotion

Content promotion is the distribution of content through a variety of different media channels. Some channels include social media networks such as Twitter or Facebook, Google Search, Google News, and email to name a few.

Here at Publisher Plus we have a number of different products and solutions that can help get your content out to as many different channels as possible. We have built deep integrations with Google News, auto publish to the various social networks and automcally push your popular content to you own audience using our Newsletter Plus product.

Publisher Plus can help you to leverage promotion channels in order to connect with new audiences and users from around the globe.

Sign up and put your content in your readers hands

We have plans to suit all publishers whether you're a national broadcaster or an individual blogger.